To contribute

6th World Water Forum: Good Governance Core Group


Over the past ten months, six taskforces (267 contributors) have been
working together so as to develop concrete, measurable and achievable
"solutions" to foster good governance in the water sector while:

  1. identifying diagnostic tools to appraise institutional,
    legislative and regulatory bottlenecks and adopt relevant place-based
    policy responses;
  2. encouraging decision-making that integrate actors at international, national, local, basin and sub-basin levels; 
  3. fostering the adoption of relevant mechanisms capacity building, monitoring and evaluation;
  4. enhancing IWRM based on national frameworks, implemented at different hydrological levels ; 
  5. promoting relevant instruments for water security diagnoses in view of demographic, geographic and urbanisation challenges;
  6. supporting the promotion of integrity and transparency, mapping
    potential corruption risks, and sharing nation-specific experience in
    tackling them;

Next steps include the collection of additional "solutions" on water
governance by 25 January 2012 and the finalization of session proposals
by 31 January 2012.

Water Governance Programme – OECD